Which of these is the easiest way of communication?
Extra bit in modem is used for
Minimal superkeys are called
Several computers linked to a server to share programs and storage space________
Who among the following wrote Sanskrit Grammer
Soft materials absorb large amount of
All cloud computing applications suffer from the inherent _______ that is intrinsic in their WAN connectivity
A zero watt lamp consumes
Which of the following methods are needed for loading a database driver in JDBC
Transaction processing is associated with everything below except
XML digital signatures provides
Gitu and Rashmi were playing ludo. Game starts when one gets 6 in two consecutive throws of dice. What is the probability that gitu can start the game in first chance
In a miniature wonderland,three countries Austria,America and Germany are on display.If Austria and America occupied 3/7 and 4/9 of the display area respectively,what is the display area occupied by Germany