She ____ in the sun for 1 hour.
The events of the evening ______ without difficulty despite the lack of planning on the part of the host
The match was over. We left for home.a) Match -----------b) We left -----------c) Besides the match -----------
He is poor. He is happy.a) Despite -----------b) Admitting that -----------c) He is poor indeed -----------
He can walk fast. He is tall.a) He is tall because -----------b) Because he is tall -----------c) Since he can -----------
He could afford to lose something. He lost somewhat more.a) He lost -----------b) What he could -----------c) Despite -----------
The boy got his leg badly injured. He was playing hockey a) While the boy was -----------b) While playing -----------c) Since his leg was -----------
He is shortβsighted. Otherwise he is fit for the post.a) Except that he -----------b) If he was not -----------c) Despite being -----------
The farmer was fool apparently to believe him
What is an advantage of XML compared to HTML
Fredy drives his car on two journeys the first journey is of 8 miles and takes 35 minutes, while the second journey takes 17.5 miles and takes 55 minutes. Find the average speed of the two journeys combine
Deepak sells 50 shirts at the cost price of 60 shirts.His gain percent is
The sum of squares of 3 numbers is 170, while the sum of their products taken two at a time is 157.What is the sum of the numbers
Select the right option from the given alternatives. A17R : D12P :: G7N :