Suppose cells A2:B20 contain a table with sorted product numbers in column A and product prices in column B. What does the formula =VLOOKUP(A25,A2:B20,2) return?
______________ is not a function in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets?
which one is not a function in MS excel
Which formula would provide a dynamic array showing all columns of the Items table where the Category equals “SUN”?
The Conditional Formatting function in Excel allows you to:
Which formula would provide a dynamic array showing all columns of the Items table where the Category equals “SUN”?
What does the VLOOKUP function do?
When all the numbers between 0 and 100 in a range should be displayed in Red Color, apply
Which of the following is not true regarding Conditional Formatting?
How can we provide a dynamic range in 'data Source' of pivot tables
What dialog box allows you to change a field name in a PivotTable
Under which tab and in which function group will you find the option to insert a Pivot Table
What is the first step for creating a Pivot Table
What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row