Suppose cells A2:B20 contain a table with sorted product numbers in column A and product prices in column B. What does the formula =VLOOKUP(A25,A2:B20,2) return?
______________ is not a function in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets?
which one is not a function in MS excel
The Conditional Formatting function in Excel allows you to:
When all the numbers between 0 and 100 in a range should be displayed in Red Color, apply
Which of the following formulas will Excel Not be able to calculate?
Which of the following is not true regarding Conditional Formatting?
How can we provide a dynamic range in 'data Source' of pivot tables
What dialog box allows you to change a field name in a PivotTable
Under which tab and in which function group will you find the option to insert a Pivot Table
Which of the following is NOT a box in the PivotTable Fields List
What is the first step for creating a Pivot Table
What is the purpose of using a pointer in a data table
What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row