How is Ravi's mother's father's son related to Ravi's father
How is my son's son's mother's daughter related to me
How is David's father's only daughter-in-law's son's wife related to David
How is my mother's mother's only son-in-law's sister related to me
How is Ramu's mother-in-law's only daughter's son related to Ramu
Y is the daughter of X's brother's wife's father-in-law. Y is X's __
My mother's sister's son's father's mother-in-law is related to me as
Showing a photograph P said, " She is my mother's mother's son's daughter ". How is the person in the photograph related to P
How is my father's mother's only daughter-in-law's sister related to me
Ten boys are standing in a row facing the same direction. Abhijit, who is seventh from the left end of the row, is to the immediate right of Sushant, who is fifth from the right end of the row. Sushant is third to the right to the right of Rupin. How many children are there between Abhijit and Rupin
In a family of three generations, there are eight members, M and N are brothers, R is the grandson of Q. T is the only niece of M, P is the sister-in-law of N. O is the mother-in-law of S. There are three married couples in the family. T is the daughter of S.How is R related to T
A person who is the husband of my son's sister is my
At what rate percent on simple interest will Rs.750 amount to Rs.900 in 5 years
A family of eight persons has three married couples. Amelie is the grandmother of Charles and is the mother-in-law of Flody. Helen is the daughter of Bob, who is the brother of George. Diana is the only child of George and is the mother of Charles. Emma is the wife of Bob.How is George related to Helen