The average age of a group of 12 students is 20years. If 4 more students join the group, the average age increases by 1 year. The average age of the new students is
My cousin has invested a lot of money ---------- farming
Who has been appointed as Dean of University of california
Statement:The 'M' state government has decided hence forth to award the road construction contracts through open tenders only.Courses of action:I. The 'M' state will not be able to get the work done swiftly as it will have to go through tender and other procedures.II. Hence forth the quality of roads constructed may be far better
Statement:A 14 year old school boy was found to be the main culprit behind the recent bank robbery. When he was prosecuted he said that he was inspired by movies on the 'Star movies', a channel beamed by the local Cable T.V. network and this is the latest incident that supports the cause and effect theory under examination.Conclusions:I. Movies have a great impact on some young minds.II. Young minds are adventures
Statement:Eighty percent of the employees of X Ltd. earn more than Rs. 5000 per month. Seventy percent of employees of X Ltd. work as supervisors.Conclusions:I. All the supervisors earn more than Rs. 5000 per month.II. Less than 100% of the supervisors earn more than Rs.5000 per month
The dog is a very faithful animal. The dog is the most loving pet.
(A) Besides being a very faithful animal, the dog is.....
(B) Since the dog is a very faithful animal.....
(C) The dog is a very faithful animal and
Statement:Medicine 'x' is a drug which is causes ripples in the medical field.Assumptions:I. No other drug is causing ripples in the medical field.II. Medicine 'x' is a great drug
Statement:It glitters. So it is gold!!Assumptions:I. All that glitters is gold.II. Glittering things are not gold
Statement:Many big time cinema producers are becoming T.V. serial producers these days.Conclusions:I. T.V. Serials are not risky.II. Movie making is very expensive
Statement:Should teaching of 'Sanskrit' be made compulsory at school level in India?Arguments:I. No, where are the trained teachers to teach this language?II. Yes, we should be proud of our ancient language
Statement:Anger is energy, in a more proactive way and how to channelize it is in itself a skill.Assumptions:I. Anger needs to be channelized.II. Only skillful people can channelize anger to energy
Statement:These considerate and pampering coaches can also cane their players.Assumptions:I. People with conceited ideas are generally not expected to cane and pamper their players.II. It is good if a coach knows to cane and pamper his players
A train overtakes two persons who are walking in the same direction in which the train is going, at the rate of 2 kmph and 4 kmph and passes them completely in 9 and 10 seconds respectively. Find the length of train