Arun is married to -------- Bobby
India is committed --------- a policy of peaceful existence
I brought him ------ with great difficulty
Statement:The 'X' state government has chalked out a plan for the underdeveloped 'Y' district where 80% of the funds will be placed in the hands of a committee of local representatives.Courses of action:I. The 'X' state government should decide guidelines and norms for the functioning of the committee.II. Other state government may follow similar plan if directed by the Central government
You must hold discussions ________ him _________ that matter shortly
Statement:Medicine 'x' is a drug which is causes ripples in the medical field.Assumptions:I. No other drug is causing ripples in the medical field.II. Medicine 'x' is a great drug
It dangerous to enter ___________ the enemy's camp
Arunkumar can play on violin
Statement:Anger is energy, in a more proactive way and how to channelize it is in itself a skill.Assumptions:I. Anger needs to be channelized.II. Only skillful people can channelize anger to energy