The goal of any company is to have its product name become ______constantly at the forefront of the consumer’s mind
Mike proved to be ______ throw after throw, hitting the carnival dart game’s bull’s eye every time
Even though the pilot promised it was safe, Neil was ______ to fly during a snowstorm
The young, thin boy surprised his wrestling opponent with his ______ strength
He may be innocent. I do not know.a) 1 doubt -----------b) I do not -----------c) That he is -----------
Wearing the designer’s latest fashions, the ______ clothing model sashayed down the runway
He took to (a) / reading Times (b) / for better knowledge (c) / of the facts (d) / No error (e)
To hide his insecurity, Barton often acted like a ______ so that he could make people laugh
With Justine’s ______ nature and passion for art, she would make an excellent tour guide for the museum
According to pirate lore, a terrible ______ would follow whoever opened the treasure chest
He brought him _____ with great difficulty
Patrick, who was always joking, added ______ to the formal dinner, which his sedate employer did not appreciate
Marta had to pay off her ______ to the credit card company before she could get a mortgage
When we were renovating the old house, we found a(n) ______ of $10 and $20 bills hidden inside the old laundry chute