Statements: The interview panel may select a candidate who neither possesses the desired qualifications nor the values and attributes.
The inclusion of specialists on the interview panel does not guarantee that the selection will be proper.
The interview test has certain limitations in the matter of selection of candidates
Statement:The government has decided to overhaul the structure of school fee by linking the school fee with the income of parents.Assumptions:I. Parents will furnish correct information about their incomes to schools.II. Parents will agree to pay the fee after the overhauling of the fees structure
Statement:"Learn computer at no cost and make your life more meaningful." - An advertisement.Assumptions:I. People prefer to join courses without any fees.II. Knowledge in computer makes life more meaningful
The ratio of the present ages of Giri and Hari is 5 : 8. 12 years hence, the ratio of their ages will be 11 : 14. Find the difference in their present ages
Statement:'Country A would explore all channels to diffuse current tensions with country B and bring peace on its borders.' - Statement of spokesperson of country A.Assumptions:I. Country A is desirous to diffuse current tension and restore peace with country B.II. It is desirable to use more than one channel when complex issues are to be settled amicably
Statement:Central Bank, which is the largest bank in the country, has decided to reduce its workforce by 30% so that its banks may work efficiently.
I. The bank can perform all its activities after the reduction in workforce.
II. The surplus employees may be asked to adopt early retirement scheme before leaving the bank
Statement:Quite independent of the global economic meltdown, India's neglect of its physical infrastructure has been a malaise demanding radical treatment.Assumptions:I. Radical treatment would reduce the adverse effects of global economic meltdown and India's neglect of its physical infrastructure.II. Physical infrastructure is the base of high growth trajectory
Statement:Railway officials have started ten new trains and increased the frequency of fourteen running trains.Assumptions:I. The existing trains are not sufficient to provide accommodation to all passengers.II. The new and additional trains would have sufficient passengers so that they will be economically viable