Statements No conductor is an insulator.Wood is insulator.Magnet is conductor.Some Copper is not wood.Conclusions:I. Copper is a conductor.II. Some copper is insulator.III. No magnet is wood.IV. Insulator is wood
Statements:Cloud is rain.No sugar is salt.Some salt is water.Rain is water.Conclusions:I. Some sugar is not water.II. Some cloud is salt.III. Some water is not sugar.IV. Some sugar is rain
Statements All jeans are trousers.Some shirts are not ties.No trousers shoes.All shoes are ties.Conclusions:I. Some shirts are not shoes.II. Some trousers are not ties.III. Some ties are jeans.IV. Some jeans are shirts
Statements:All that is tough is hard.Some that are tough are rough.No thing that is tough is smooth.Some things that are smooth are soft.Conclusions:I. Some that are rough are hard.II. No thing that is rough is hard.III. All hard are soft.IV. Some that are hard are not soft