A C6H12 compound reacts with ozone to yield a single C3H6O product. Gas phase free radical bromination of the hydrocarbon gives a single C6H11Br product. A likely identification of this compound is ..
Handles of saucepans and other cooking utensils are
Three points that divides set into 4 equal group are called
When you are mixing or heating up chemicals always wear
A rigid, magnetically sensitive disk that spins rapidly and continuously inside computer housing is termed as
For long term storage (archival) of data which of the following storage devices is generally used
The process of saving information onto secondary storage devices is referred to as
A ___________ performs invisible tasks even if you write no code
Choose correct option in the place of question mark 2 4 6 18 ? 30 162 196 150 1458 1372 750
Active Directory is a technology created by ________ that provides a variety of network services
The garbage collection process runs by default every __________ hours on all domain controllers in the forest
Write the command to display the current date in the form dd/mm/yyyy
A woman sold 15 bed sheets for Rs 15,000. Hence gaining the cost of 5 bed sheets. The cost per sheet is
what is next in the number series 9, 54, 135, 252