A pair of equations to determine the value of 2 variables is called.
A diagonal matrix having equal elements is called a
If a matrix has equal number of columns and rows then it is said to be a
If a matrix ‘A’ has ‘mrsquo; number of columns and ‘nrsquo; number of rows then m × n is said to be
If determinant of a matrix is not equal to zero, then it is said to be
We can subtract two matrices A and B if their
We can add two matrices having real numbers A and B if their
If A and B matrices are of same order and a + b = B + A, this law is known as
If the capacity ‘c’ of a lift is at most 1200 pounds, then:
If A, B and C matrices are of same order and (a + b) + C = A + (b + c), this law is known as
If sum of two matrices A and B is zero matrix, then A and B are said to be
If A is a matrix of order(m - by - n) then a matrix(n - by - m) obtained by interchanging rows and columns of A is called the
Horizontally arranged elements in a matrix is called
A square or a rectangular array of numbers written within square brackets in a definite order in rows and columns is known as