What a great idea! He cried (Which word is a countable noun?)
They gazed across valley (Which word is a common noun?)
Crowd was on main street. (Which word is a collective noun?)
A keeper throws ball. (Which word is a subject noun?)
My family supports me. (Which word is a collective noun?)
Beauty does not need any ornaments. (Which word is an uncountable noun?)
I believe in his honesty (Which word is an abstract noun?)
Heroes never lay down their words. (Which word is a plural noun?)
Sometime, I do not understand John (Which word is a proper noun?)
Do not hide fact (Which word is word a countable noun?)
My chair is made of wood. (Which word is a material noun?)
I studied hard because I knew that test would ____________ difficult
There ___________ lots of hidden feelings and emotions behind every faces
On every Saturday, I like to spend my time with my friend Ali (Which word is a proper noun?)