If A B means A is the brother of B; A - B means A is the sister of B and A x B means A is the father of B. Which of the following means that C is the son of M
Which is indefinite pronoun in sentence "Everyone was busy in their work."
People demand elected assemblies, ____________ devoted and sincere members
Which is object pronoun in sentence "John wants to talk her."
Which is distributive pronoun in sentence "Neither of those two were passed."
Which is subject pronoun in sentence "You stole my idea."
Which is object pronoun in sentence "They want to help her."
Which is objective pronoun in sentence "All of you come to science lab."
He heard train ___________ coming
It ___________ drizzling throughout previous day
My computer broke down, so I ___________ continue my work
One must laugh and cheer because life ____________ short
We are a book in which, Death ____________ just a chapter
Create table employee (name varchar ,id integer) What type of statement is this