State whether true or false:
Objects with the same type of charges attract each other.
Consider the following statements
Continental shelves are wider where high mountains area very close and parallel to the coast.
Continental shelves are formed by prolonged deposition of detritus under sea water in those areas where sea conditions are calm.
Extensive continental margins during the time of negative change of the sea level.
Continental shelves are formed by the submergence of continental margins due to tilting of land towards sea.
Which of the above statements are correct?
Which of the following two charges attract each other?
Particles involved in movement within material are
Q.386) Assertion a : In depolarization process there is a positive charge on the outer side of nerve fibres and negative change on its inner side
Reason r: During depolarization, permeability of plasma membrane increases for sodium ions, so Na+ ions move to outer side of the membrane and K+ enter the nerve fibre
Electric charge between two bodies can be produced by
If we bring charged plastic rod near neutral aluminum rod, then rods will
Force between two bodies having charges 500ยตC and 100ยตC separated by distance of 0.5m in air is
As per Coulomb's law, force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is inversely proportional to
Plastic rod rubbed with fur and glass rod rubbed with silk
Property of material due to which it attracts or repels other objects is
If 2 bodies are oppositely charged with 400ยตC and 200ยตC, distance between them in air is 0.5 m. force between bodies should be
Value of k in coulomb's law depends upon