The positive square root of the mean of the squared deviations of some observations from their arithmetic mean is called:
By adding two successive class limits and dividing the sum by 2, we obtained:
The enthalpy changes which cannot be found by calorimeter can be found by the help of
Vertical hierarchy and old departmental boundaries are virtually eliminated through
Teamwork and collaboration is promoted in structure named as
In DNA sequencing, the primer
Variance of (3,5,8,4) is ____
Middle most observation in an arranged data set is known as
By adding two successive class limits and dividing sum by 2, we obtained
Maximum value in class limit is called
Measures that are used to determine degree or extent of variation in a data set are called
Statistically, spread or scatterness of observations in a data is called
A measure that determines a value of variable under study by dividing sum of all values of variable by their number is called
(3-3 * 95/2) / (272/3 * 3-4) =