One-third of the water consumption by humans, goes to:
Water supply through pipelines and tube wells to farm is known as:
Images usually gets corrupted during
Which of the following physical method is used as germicidal in modern time for the treatment of drinking water
Carbonates in water produce
When temporary hard water is boiled, one of the substances formed is
Average amount of water which a large deciduous tree takes, is
Process in which water is passed through filter beds of sand and gravel to remove smaller particles of dust is called
An addition of small dose of chlorine gas to filtered water is known as
If a 1 m long steel wire having area 5 * 10-5 is stretched through 1 mm by force of 10, 000 N then young modulus of wire is
Lakes and forests are best classified as examples of
Huge strainers are used to
Maximum limit up to which stress is applied on body without deformation is called
Remains of salt over soil after evaporation of water is known as