Please keep boxes carefully. (Which word is a common noun?)
Someone in crowd created a disturbance. (Which word is a collective noun?)
Gambling was main reason of his destruction (Which word is a verbal noun?)
He called a fire fighter, when he saw a house on fire (Which word is a collective noun?)
She bet him that he ___________ run five miles without stopping
I ___________ get money to buy a book next month
Who ___________ you leave to prowl about
I waited for her on bus stop, but she _______ late
An empire wrong decision changed match situation (Which word is a verbal noun?)
We know our art teacher will not take our class (Which word is a compound noun?)
My father decorated my room for my birthday. (Which word is an indirect object noun?)
Self admiration ___________ most serious of problem
Sure, I will help you in your assignments (Which word is a count noun?)
In which film Bidyut Chakraborty made his debut who died on 15 April 2015