My father ___________ books to money
They gazed across valley (Which word is a common noun?)
A board of directors refused new proposal. (Which word is a collective noun?)
Please keep boxes carefully. (Which word is a common noun?)
What is reason of his failure in exams (Which word is an abstract noun?)
Butterflies taste with their legs (Which word is a plural noun?)
Gambling was main reason of his destruction (Which word is a verbal noun?)
Which is reciprocal pronoun in sentence "when I asked for help, they looked at each other."
Which is demonstrative pronoun in sentence "That is my town, itself is not very large as cities are."
Which is objective pronoun in sentence "My parents will reward me for taking good marks."
I hope she ___________ not repeat mistake
Who ___________ you leave to prowl about
First aid was given to wounded man. (Which word is a collective noun
Which is possessive pronoun in sentence "I respect her concern, but my profession is my first priority."