Which of the following is true about transient state of a persistent entity
The method on the result set that tests whether or not there remains at least one unfetched tuple in the result set, is said to be
Which of these simplifies an Object Relational Mapping tool
What is the disadvantage of Type-4 Native-Protocol Driver
Select the inheritance model which is NOT available in Hibernate
To persist collections of embeddable type, hibernates uses
Which of the following is not a Session method
What does the Session object hold
Select the design pattern that should be followed while creating SessionFactory in hibernate
If a single table hosts all the instances of a class hierarchy, then it is known as
Which of the following is true about query level cache in hibernate
What does hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto create this means
If you chain multiple pipes together, they are executed
If COMPUTER is coded as GKQLYPIN, what is the code for SENATE