In case of Table per Concrete class, there will be three tables in the database having no relations to each other. Which are the ways to map the table?
The direct selection allows _______ number of recombinants to be screened and _______
The reign of Thomas Graham is from
The Hibernate XML configuration file name is
Which of the following are tags of hibernate.cfg.xml
An order was placed for the supply of a carper whose length and breadth were in the ratio of 3 : 2. Subsequently, the dimensions of the carpet were altered such that its length and breadth were in the ratio 7 : 3 but were was no change in its parameter. Find the ratio of the areas of the carpets in both the cases
________ has stated that ideas came from several frameworks, including Hibernate and JDO
To persist collections of embeddable type, hibernates uses
Which of the following is not a Session method
Which ways are used by the Log4j and Logback frameworks in hibernate framework to support logging
Select the design pattern that should be followed while creating SessionFactory in hibernate
Which of the following is true about query level cache in hibernate
What does create this means
Which of the following code is used to get language code in servlets