A connection is opened using getConnection method of the
Which annotation is used to create Pk-Fk relation b/w two tables
_______ is used to convert your application into Web-Application
What's true about the following @Entity association between House and Window?@Entitypublic class Window { @Id private int winNo; @ManyToOne private House aHouse;}@Entitypublic class House { @Id private int houseNo; @OneToMany(mappedBy="aHouse") private List windows;}
What are the JPA @Entity association attributes
The interface ResultSet has a method, getMetaData(), that returns a/an
Annotation which allows the Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller to detect a classβs (i.e., objectβs) fields
________ has stated that ideas came from several frameworks, including Hibernate and JDO
Select the inheritance model which is NOT available in Hibernate
Which attribute of @OneToMany is used to mark an entity as owned
No stronger (a) / a figure than his (b) / prescribed in the history (c) / No error (d)
To persist collections of embeddable type, hibernates uses
Which ways are used by the Log4j and Logback frameworks in hibernate framework to support logging
What are activities you can do in Eclipse