JDBC is a ………………… interface, which means that it is used to invoke SQL commands directly
Which type of Statement can execute parameterized queries
The method forward(request, response) will
The difference between Servlets and JSP is the ……………
Which method take a string not a URL
Which of the scripting of JSP not putting content into service method of the converted servlet
. JSP includes a mechanism for defining …………………………. or custom tags
What is the initial contact point for handling a web request in a Page-Centric architecture
Which http method send by browser that asks the server to get the page only
Which of the following are the valid scopes in JSP
Which method is used to specify before any lines that uses the PrintWriter? [A] setPageType() [B] setContextType() [C] setContentType() [D] setResponseType()
The method forward(request,response) will
Which of the following is the correct order of servlet life cycle phase methods
Which of the following code is used to delete a HTTP Session object in servlets