The word βBank is derived from which of the following mentioned options
Which method take a string not a URL
What is the meaning of response.setHeader("xyz", "abc");
To listen to events during a test, which class has to be extended
. JSP includes a mechanism for defining β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦. or custom tags
Which of the following method sets application/context init parameter
Which method is used to specify before any lines that uses the PrintWriter? [A] setPageType() [B] setContextType() [C] setContentType() [D] setResponseType()
The include() method of RequestDispatcher [A] sends a request to another resource like servlet, jsp or html [B] includes resource of file like servlet, jsp or html [C] appends the request and response objects to the current servlet [D] None of the above
Which of the following code is used to delete an attribute from a HTTP Session object in servlets
Which of the following class contains a test case and defines the fixture to run multiple tests
Which of the following method of TestSuite class adds the tests from the given class to the suite
Which of the following is correct about org.junit.JUnitCore class
Which of the following method of TestResult class adds a failure to the list of failures
Which of the following tools provides JUnit integration