Which of the following may NOT be modified using the ABAP Dictionary transaction
What would be the value of lv_char_len
Where does the Business Logic exists in the Webdynpro Component
Which data type do you use to declare a visibility attribute in web dynpro
Leadership is the ability to secure desirable actions from a group of followers voluntarily without the use of _____.(A) coercion(B) blandishments(C) discipline(D) deception(E) punishment(F) cajolery
Identify a layout that is not part of the Webdynpro Layout types
The message types are one of the following
Which of the Below is not a Valid Web dynpro UI element
In regard to the INITIALIZATION event, which of the following is NOT a true statement
Which one of the following are components of SAP HANA Studio
Using which keyword we can access a value of the instance variables and class variables of that class inside the method of that class itself
What method is used to extract tables from ECC server in real time
The UI Element and the Context Attributes of Webdynpro are linked. The process of doing this is called