What would be the value of lv_char_len
Where does the Business Logic exists in the Webdynpro Component
In regard to MOVE-CORRESPONDING, which of the following is NOT a true statement
Which data type do you use to declare a visibility attribute in web dynpro
Sub query usually more efficient because
What kind of component of a business object are BAPIs
Identify a layout that is not part of the Webdynpro Layout types
Which of the Below is not a Valid Web dynpro UI element
In regard to the INITIALIZATION event, which of the following is NOT a true statement
Which one of the following are components of SAP HANA Studio
Where does the Business Logic exists in the Web dynpro Component
Which event is used to navigate from basic list to secondary list
In an ABAP program, which of the following Processing blocks are not allowed
What are the ways to link LDB to executable program