Sita or her brother__to be blamed
The match was over. We left for home.a) Match -----------b) We left -----------c) Besides the match -----------
He may be innocent. I do not know.a) 1 doubt -----------b) I do not -----------c) That he is -----------
He is poor. He is happy.a) Despite -----------b) Admitting that -----------c) He is poor indeed -----------
He could afford to lose something. He lost somewhat more.a) He lost -----------b) What he could -----------c) Despite -----------
The Chief Guest arrived. The proceedings of the function began.a) Having -----------b) Only when -----------C) The arrival -----------
Either suganya / nor Kanmani / has attended / the function
The boy got his leg badly injured. He was playing hockey a) While the boy was -----------b) While playing -----------c) Since his leg was -----------
He worked hard. He did not succeed.a) Although he -----------b) Notwithstanding -----------c) Besides working -----------
You will not recover fast. Refrain from smoking a) Unless you recover ----------- b) If you want to refrain from smoking ----------- c) Inspite of refraining from -----------
You run fast. You can win the race.a) Provided -----------b) In case -----------c) Supposing that -----------
He is shortβsighted. Otherwise he is fit for the post.a) Except that he -----------b) If he was not -----------c) Despite being -----------
He is rich. He is kind.a) Although he -----------b) Rich as -----------c) Inspite of -----------
You are drunk. That aggravates your offence.a) As you are -----------b) That you -----------c) What aggravates -----------