It is suggested that the technique with high white noise is an attractive option for use in long haul systems.
Which of the following is generally used as indicators in bridges in thermal conductivity analyzers?
Consider the following, logic diagram :The count sequence of the above logic diagram is
Pure aniline is evaporating through a stagnant air film of 1 mm thickness at 300 K and a total pressure of 100 KPa. The vapor pressure of aniline at 300 K is 0.1 KPa. The total molar concentration under these conditions is 40.1 mole/m3 . The diffusivity of aniline in air is 0.74xl0-5m2/s.The numerical value of mass transfer co-efficient is 7.4 x 10-3. Its units are
Six members of a family are travelling these are a, b, c, d, e and f. b is the son of c but c is not mother of b. a and c are a married couple, e is the brother of c. d is the daughter of a. f is the brother of b. How is related to d
There is a group of five teachers a, b, c, d and e * b and c teaches maths and geography * a and c teach maths and history * b and d teach political science and geography * d and e teach political science and biology * e teaches biology, history and political science Who teaches political science, geography and biology
Gita, Ravi and Suresh are children of mr. and mrs. Khanna Renu, Raja and Sumit are children of mr. and mrs. Chopra Sumit and Gita are married and Ashok and Sanjay their children Garima and Ram are children of mr. and mrs. Chawla Garima is married to Suresh and has three children Lata, Sonu, Raju How is Ravi related to Raju
Gita, Ravi and Suresh are children of mr. and mrs. Khanna Renu, Raja and Sumit are children of mr. and mrs. Chopra Sumit and Gita are married and Ashok and Sanjay their children Garima and Ram are children of mr. and mrs. Chawla Garima is married to Suresh and has three children Rita, Sonu, Raju Sumit and Suresh are related as
Six members of a family are travelling these are a, b, c, d, e and f. b is the son of c but c is not mother of b. a and c are a married couple, e is the brother of c. d is the daughter of a. f is the brother of b. Which of following is pair of female
Gita, Ravi and Suresh are children of mr. and mrs. Khanna Renu, Raja and Sumit are children of mr. and mrs. Chopra Sumit and Gita are married and Ashok and Sanjay their children Garima and Ram are children of mr. and mrs. Chawla Garima is married to Suresh and has three children Rita, Sonu, Raju How is Ram related to Rita
There is a group of five teachers a, b, c, d and e * b and c teaches maths and geography * a and c teach maths and history * b and d teach political science and geography * d and e teach political science and biology * e teaches biology, history and political science Who teaches in mathematics, political science and geography
If the following numbers are rewritten by interchanging the digits in ten's place and hundred's place and then arranging them in the descending order. What will be the second digit of the newly formed fifth number from your right 479, 736, 895, 978, 389, 675
Shubham drives his truck from point 1 and take it 20 km north, from where he turns right and drives 30 km. Then he turns right again and drives for another 20 km and reaches point 2. In what direction did he drive once he took the second turn
If north is called north-east , north βeast is called east , east is called south βeast . And so on . What will south βeast be called