Higher value of common mode rejection ratio can be reached
By converting the 5.6m² into the cm², the answer will be:
If the height of trapezium is 8cm and the sum of parallel sides is 16cm then the area of trapezium is:
The matrix which do have an inverse by solving it, is classified as
For any non- singular matrix A, A-1 =
The assumption in calculating annuity is that every payment is
Generalized form of matrix is best represented as
System of equation in form of AX = B is solved for solution set as
Result of inverse will be one only when quantity b is multiplied by
Solving following simultaneous equations, 4x - 5y = 17 and x - 5y = 8, we get
During sale, a shop offers a discount of 8% on marked price. If marked price is $5500, then purchase price of an oven should be
(Selling price - cost price) is called
The difference between simple and compound interest (compounded-annually) on a sum of money for 2 years at 10% per annum is Rs 65. The sum is
The difference between simple and compound interests compounded annually on a certain sum of money for 2 years at 4% per annum is Rs 1. Find the sum