The total number of observations, which are below a certain value are known as-
Refreshing DRAM typically must occur every ________
A many sided closed figure used in frequency distribution is termed as
Table which shows frequency of each score is called a
Value of [3(n +1)/4]th term is formula of
Number of times each value appears is called value's
Median in set 6, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4 would be
Three points that divides set into 4 equal group are called
Harmonic mean of 3,4 and 8 is
Frequency polygon is constructed by plotting frequencies against their
If Xm is largest value and Xo is smallest value, then range ‘R’ is equal to
Reciprocal of arithmetic mean of reciprocal of values x1, x2, x3, ....., xn is known as