The summary statistics which measure the middle or centre of the data are called
If probability of an event depends on repetitive observations that occurs in outcomes of experiment then this is classified as
Probability which is based on self-beliefs of persons involved in experiment is classified as
Table which shows frequency of each score is called a
When cumulative frequencies are plotted against end points of their respective class intervals and joined together, resultant graph is called
Median in set 6, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4 would be
Three points that divides set into 4 equal group are called
Frequency polygon is constructed by plotting frequencies against their
Middle observation in an arranged set of data is called
Nth root of product of values x1, x2, x3, ....., xn is called
In a week the prices of a bag of rice were 350,280,340,290,320, 310,300. The range is
1st quartile is also known as