The average of all observations in a set of data is known as:
The summary statistics which measure the middle or centre of the data are called
Most frequent observation in a data set is called
Table which shows frequency of each score is called a
Median in set 6, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4 would be
Three points that divides set into 4 equal group are called
Harmonic mean of 3,4 and 8 is
Median of 7, 6, 4, 8, 2, 5, 11 is
Summary statistics which measure middle or center of data are called
Middle observation in an arranged set of data is called
If mean of 6 numbers is 41 then sum of these numbers is
If mean of 6 numbers is 17 then sum of numbers is
If the capacity ‘c’ of a lift is at most 1200 pounds, then: