The arithmetic averageo the first ten whole numbers is
The arithmetic averageo f the first ten whole numbers
Fill in the blank with an adjective clause :
The cricket bat ___________ is mine.
The average of all observations in a set of data is known as:
In component diagrams, the building block which is represented with two rectangles laid on left side is classified as
The summary statistics which measure the middle or centre of the data are called
If beta one is 9, beta two is 11 then coefficient of skewness is
Event such as equal chance of heads or tails while tossing coin is an example of
Rectifier output polarity depends upon
Most frequent observation in a data set is called
Ratio of 2km to 600m should be
Median in set 6, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4 would be
Median of 7, 6, 4, 8, 2, 5, 11 is
Summary statistics which measure middle or center of data are called